My sweet, generous, lovable grandma died in 1984, just a few months before I gave birth to my son. She was and continues to be a positive and loving presence in my life. She helped be my mom, while my mom was trying to be work full-time and be a full-time single mom. She fed us breakfast in the morning and shared our afternoons after school. Every person that knew her, loved her. How couldn't they? She met every day with a smile and met every person's need with outreaching, loving arms. For our birthdays we could choose our favorite dessert and she would make it for us. I always picked 'Filled cupcakes' and to this day is one of my favorite things. So.... for today here is the recipe for one of treasured grandma's recipes!
Filled Cupcakes
1 pkg chocolate cake mix
1-8oz pkg cream cheese
1 egg
1/3 cup sugar
1 pkg chocolate chips
dash of salt
Prepare cake mix according to directions on box. Put cupcake paper in muffin tin. Fill cupcakes tins with chocolate mix.
Cream cheese with sugar, eggs and salt. Stir in chocolate chips. Put 1 rounded teaspoon of cheese mixture in the center of each cupcake
Bake according to cake mix, don't overbake!
Let them cool and frost with enthusiasm!
P.S. You can use any flavor cake mix you want, my favorite is chocolate. We did some spice cupcakes along with chocolate for my daughter's wedding. Delicious!