Grandma Hunter, my husband's mother, passed away on Saturday morning. With her passing comes great reflection. Up until about 4-5 years ago she led a very active full life. She was always on the go, doing something for someone else. She used all the moments in a day serving and loving to her fullest capacity. She was a welcome and familiar face at the Heritage Care center across the street from her home. Many women have counted on her to make them look beautiful and feel beautiful for decades.
As she approached this birthday, in June, she would have been 92 years old. She would never have agreed to a loss of independence, but life and wares on the body sometimes have a mind of their own. As her body grew weaker, her mind stayed strong and alert, which made her days seem long.
Her son, my husband, our children's father, took seriously his role of 'son.' He remarkably and unconditionally loved and cared for his mom until the moment of her passing. He has been attending to her every need for years and years, with nothing but kindness and willingness to do so. He was the first face she saw in the morning and usually the last face she saw in the evening. Nothing brought her greater joy! He showed up in her life, and with that has shown all of us what it means to compassionately love without borders. His example will be the compass for all of us in showing up to our lives. I am sure Heavenly Father has a seat in heaven waiting next to hers.
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